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What is a signature loan?

Signature Loan: What is it, Uses, and How to Apply?

Updated on November 2, 2023


In times of financial strain, finding the right personal loan can be a lifesaver. Among the various options available, signature loans stand out as a compelling solution.

These loans are the best because you only need to sign something, not give anything else, to guarantee them. They are different from other debts that don't have collateral. Moreover, they often come with more favorable interest rates, making them an attractive choice for borrowers. To explore if these loans are suitable for you and to achieve more financial freedom and simplicity, consider them.

Let's embark on a journey to explore the ins and outs of these types of loans and unlock the potential they hold for you.

What is a Signature Loan?

Signature loans, also known as unsecured personal loans, are a type of loan that doesn't require any collateral. These loans consider only the borrower's creditworthiness and income, not requiring assets as security.

Lenders grant these loans based on your credit score, financial history, and ability to repay. The absence of collateral makes them less risky for borrowers, but the interest rates might be higher than secured loans. Signature loans are a versatile choice for obtaining funds for various purposes. These purposes include consolidating debt, making home improvements, paying medical bills, and managing unexpected emergencies.

How Do Signature Loans Work?

A signature loan provides you with the freedom to utilize the funds for virtually any purpose you desire. Because it requires no security, it can assist with debts, unexpected costs, or home improvements.

We will determine the interest rate on your loan based on your creditworthiness and income. If you don't have assets or collateral, the interest rate may be higher than other loans. Loan terms can vary from a few months to up to five years, although many lenders tend to offer shorter-term options.

What Makes Signature Loans Different from Personal Loans?

People sometimes use signature and personal loans interchangeably, but there is a slight difference between them. Signature loans are unsecured loans that only require the borrower's signature as collateral to show their commitment to repay.

Personal loans are a broader category that includes signature loans. Lenders evaluate creditworthiness and income to give funds without needing collateral.

The main difference is the type of collateral used. Signature loans only require the borrower's signature. On the other hand, personal loans include various unsecured loans, not just signature loans.

Signature Loan Vs. Revolving Credit

Signature loans and revolving credit are both forms of borrowing, but they differ in fundamental ways:

Nature of Credit

A signature loan is a type of loan where you receive a specific amount of money simultaneously. You then repay this loan through regular payments over a predetermined period. An unsecured loan means there is no collateral required.

Revolving credit is a flexible line of credit. The lender sets a limit, and the borrower can borrow up to that limit when needed. The borrower can make multiple transactions, repay the borrowed amount, and borrow again, much like a revolving door.

Repayment Structure

Signature Loan:

The borrower repays a signature loan over a fixed term with equal monthly installments. Each payment decreases the amount borrowed until the loan is fully repaid.

Revolving Credit:

The borrower can continuously borrow and repay from the revolving credit line. You have to pay a minimum amount every month. However, you can keep some of the money owed and pay extra for it.

Interest and Fees

Signature loans usually have fixed interest rates, which means the rates remain constant throughout the loan term. Lenders may charge origination fees for processing the loan.

Revolving Credit:

Revolving credit typically has variable interest rates that can change based on market conditions. There may also be annual fees or other charges associated with the line of credit.

Credit Availability

When a borrower pays off a signature loan, they close the loan. Also, when a borrower finishes paying a credit line, the credit line is closed. If the borrower needs more money, they must apply for a new loan.

Revolving Credit:

If the borrower stays within the credit limit and pays on time, they can keep using the credit line.

Both types of credit have advantages and are suitable for different financial needs. Signature loans are best for one-time, specific expenses. Revolving credit is more appropriate for ongoing or variable costs that require flexibility in borrowing.

Collateral Requirement

Signature Loan:

A signature loan, an unsecured personal loan, requires no collateral. Lenders primarily base approval on the borrower's creditworthiness, income, and ability to repay.

Secured Loan:

Secured loans, on the other hand, require collateral as security for the loan. Collateral can be an asset like a home, car, or savings account. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize the collateral to recover the outstanding amount.

Risk and Interest Rates

Signature Loans:

Lenders consider signature loans riskier because they lack collateral to back the loan. As a result, interest rates for these loans are typically higher than secured loans.

Secured Loan:

Secured loans are safer for lenders because of collateral, leading to lower interest rates than signature loans.

Loan Amounts

Signature Loan:

Lenders usually set lower borrowing limits for signature loans because they do not back them with collateral. They determine the loan amount based on the borrower's creditworthiness and income.

Secured Loan:

Secured loans can offer higher borrowing limits, depending on the value of the collateral provided. Lenders often tie the loan amount to the appraised value of the asset.

Repayment Terms

Signature Loan:

Signature loans typically have fixed repayment terms, meaning the borrower makes regular, equal installments over a set period.

Secured Loan:

Secured loans may have more flexible repayment terms, depending on the lender and the type of collateral. The loan term can vary, and some secured loans offer longer repayment periods.

The choice between a signature loan and a secured loan depends on several factors. These factors include the borrower's finances, credit score, collateral availability, and desired loan amount.

Signature loans are for people without collateral, but they must be okay with paying more interest. Secured loans are good for borrowers with valuable assets. They have lower interest rates and can get higher loan amounts.

What Are the Uses of Signature Loan?

Signature loans are versatile financial tools, offering various uses to meet individual needs and unforeseen circumstances. Here are the common uses of signature loans:

Debt Consolidation

Signature loans can streamline multiple debts into a single, more manageable loan. People can repay credit cards, loans, or debts, reducing stress and making monthly payments easier.

Car Repair

Unexpected car repairs can strain budgets. Signature loans provide a quick source of funds to cover repair costs, ensuring reliable transportation without disrupting daily routines.

Medical Emergency

When faced with medical expenses not covered by insurance, signature loans can bridge the financial gap. They enable individuals to access funds promptly for urgent medical treatments or unexpected healthcare bills.

Life Events

Signature loans can finance various life events, such as weddings, milestone celebrations, or dream vacations. These loans allow individuals to create memorable experiences without depleting their savings.

Home Improvement

Whether it's renovating a kitchen, upgrading appliances, or addressing structural repairs, signature loans can fund home improvement projects. They empower homeowners to enhance the value and comfort of their properties.

Overall, signature loans offer flexibility and accessibility, making them a valuable tool for navigating financial challenges and pursuing life goals. However, borrowers should always evaluate their financial situation and repayment capabilities before obtaining a loan to ensure responsible and manageable borrowing.

Pros & Cons of Signature Loans


No Collateral Required:

Signature loans are unsecured, meaning you don't need to provide any valuable possessions as collateral. This reduces the risk of losing your valuable items.

Easy Access to Funds:

The application process is typically straightforward, and funds can be available quickly, providing immediate financial assistance.


Borrowers can use signature loans for various purposes, from consolidating debt to covering medical expenses or financing home improvements.

Credit Building:

Responsible repayment of a signature loan can positively impact your credit reports, improving your creditworthiness for future borrowing.

Fixed Terms:

Signature loans often come with fixed interest rates and fixed repayment terms, making budgeting easier and more predictable.


Higher Interest Rates:

Since signature loans are unsecured, lenders may charge higher interest rates to compensate for the risk they bear.

Credit Requirements:

A good credit history is crucial for obtaining lower interest rates and better terms. However, individuals with bad credit often need help to achieve this.

Borrowing Limits:

Signature loans might have lower borrowing limits than secured loans, limiting the amount you can borrow.

Limited Flexibility:

Unlike credit cards, signature loans offer a fixed loan amount, which may not suit those who need ongoing access to funds.

Risk of Default:

Your credit score will lower if you do not repay the loan. Additionally, you may have to handle debt collectors and face legal issues.

Is It Difficult to Get a Signature Loan?

Obtaining a signature loan can be relatively easier compared to secured loans that require collateral. However, approval largely depends on the borrower's creditworthiness, income stability, and debt-to-income ratio. A good credit score and a steady income are essential for a smooth approval process. Lenders assess these factors to determine the borrower's ability to repay the loan.

Tips for Obtaining a Signature Loan

Improve Credit Score:

Work on enhancing your credit score by paying bills on time and reducing existing debts. A higher credit score increases the likelihood of loan approval and favorable terms.

Stable Income:

Lenders prefer borrowers with a stable and consistent income. Maintain a steady job or show a reliable source of income to improve your chances.

Borrow What You Can Repay:

Apply for a loan amount that aligns with your repayment capacity. Avoid overextending yourself to ensure comfortable monthly payments.

Shop Around:

Explore multiple lenders and compare loan terms, interest rates, and fees to find the best deal.

Provide Complete Documentation:

Submit all required documents promptly to speed up the approval process.

What Credit Score Do You Need for a Signature Loan?

The required credit score for a signature loan varies among lenders. Lenders generally consider a credit score of 600 or higher favorable for approval. However, some lenders may have more stringent requirements, while others may consider lower credit scores.

A higher credit score typically results in better interest rates and loan terms. Improve your credit score before applying for a loan to increase approval chances and get better terms.

Can I Apply for a Signature Loan With Bad Credit?

Obtaining a signature loan with bad credit is indeed more challenging compared to having good or excellent credit. In such cases, borrowers might encounter higher interest rates, leading to increased long-term loan costs. Interest rates for signature loans with bad credit can reach as high as 30% or more.

Additionally, some lenders may require a cosigner for loan approval. A cosigner, usually a friend or family member, promises to pay back the loan if the borrower can't. However, finding a willing cosigner can be difficult, presenting a potential obstacle for some borrowers.

Where Can You Apply for a Signature Loan?

You can obtain a signature loan from various financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Regular banks typically offer signature loans. If you have an existing relationship with a bank, you may qualify for a lower interest rate.

Credit unions provide lower interest rate signature loans, but they may require membership. Online lenders offer unsecured personal loans. They let you prequalify to check rates and terms without affecting your credit score, making it easier to apply.

How to Get a Signature Loan?

If you’re interested in getting a loan, you can follow the below steps:

Review Your Credit Score

Before proceeding with an application, it's advisable to check your credit score. If your score is not as high as you'd prefer, consider working on improving it. A higher credit score increases the likelihood of securing a loan with lower interest rates and better terms. If you can afford to wait and your need for the loan is not urgent, it might be beneficial to boost your credit score first.

Collect All the Information

Loan applications need personal information like income, employer, housing status, and monthly housing expenses. Be prepared to provide W-2 forms or pay stubs as proof of income.

Compare the Different Options

Avoid settling for the first signature loan lender you come across. Conduct thorough research and compare various lenders to make an informed decision. To learn the credit score needed by lenders, you can check their websites or contact them by phone or email. If you're unsure, these methods will provide you with the information you need.

To avoid too many credit checks, only apply for loans you know you can get approved for. Prequalifying for a loan does not affect your credit score and can provide insight into potential loan offers.

Check the Rates & Terms

Before finalizing the loan agreement, carefully read and understand the fine print. Watch out for prepayment penalties, automatic withdrawals, origination fees, late payment fees, and other terms that could impact the loan cost or result in unexpected charges.

Get the Loan and Start Paying

Once you have chosen a suitable signature loan, accept the loan offer. Depending on the lender, you may receive the funds within a few business days or the same day. Note the due date of your first payment and consider setting up automatic payments for convenience. Additionally, think about making extra payments each month to accelerate loan repayment and reduce the overall loan term.

How Much Can I Borrow With Signature Loans?

The borrowing capacity for signature loans varies depending on the lender and individual financial factors. Generally, you can secure a signature loan ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $50,000 or more. Certain lenders may be willing to extend larger amounts, reaching up to $100,000 in specific cases. However, factors like your credit score, income, and overall financial health determine the exact loan amount.

As these loans are unsecured, and lacking collateral, lenders might be cautious with larger sums to mitigate risks. To determine precisely how much you can borrow, it's essential to discuss your specific situation with potential lenders.


In conclusion, signature loans offer a flexible and convenient financial solution for individuals seeking unsecured borrowing options. With no collateral required, borrowers can access funds for various purposes, ranging from debt consolidation to home improvements or covering emergency expenses.

The loan amounts typically span from a few hundred dollars up to $50,000 or even higher in specific cases. However, approval and loan terms depend on factors like credit score, income, and financial standing. Signature loans are a good option for people who need fast and dependable financial help. They may have slightly higher interest rates than secured loans, but they are easy to get and offer flexible repayment options.