Cash 1 Blog
Car Repair Assistance for Low Income
See if this sounds like a familiar situation: You're at a point where some extra cash would be very helpful. You were thinking about getting a title loan on that second car you have parked behind the house but you know it conked out a few months ago and you haven't been able to get it started since then.
Or how about this: perhaps you are in a situation - say, a large family with multiple people who work - where the second car has broken down and you really need it to get you or your loved ones to their jobs. You'd like to use the local public transportation but it just doesn't stop anywhere near where you live. That second car needs to be running again and soon, but you can't afford the repairs.
Perhaps you might even be thinking to yourself, 'I need a title loan to repair my car, but I can't get a title loan if my vehicle isn't running!'
Quite the problem, and you might not even be aware that there is a possible solution. In fact, there might even be several options available for you to get that car fixed and getting you where you need to go; maybe even to CASH 1 to get that much needed title loan.
How to Get Car Repair Assistance for Low Income
Here are some possible solutions to getting your car repaired and running again. We're going to start with some practical advice, then move on to options that will take a little more involvement on your part, but can certainly lead to the car repair solution you've been needing. We'll start with the easiest:
Ask Around.
'I know a guy' is quite possibly the most helpful and beneficial phrase ever used in the English language. OK, maybe we're exaggerating, but you'd be surprised at the network of connections and acquaintances that might be available to you if you just make the inquiries. Ask your friends and neighbors if they know a mechanic who's willing to do some repair work for a discount. Many mechanics who work at dealerships like to make a few extra dollars in the evenings or their days off.
Ask your friends or neighbours, ask trusted co-workers, send e-mails to relatives who live near you and explain your situation. Chances are someone might 'know a guy' (or girl, we're not making assumptions), and get you connected to a mechanic who's willing to put in some labor for a discount. Make sure your source is a trusted one (as in, you really trust this person to give you a good reference), just to be on the safer side.
Don't be afraid or embarrassed to explain your situation fully; that money is tight and you really need to get that car running. If you still can't come to an agreement, offer to trade for yard work or maybe even deliver a few home cooked meals to your new mechanic friend. Again, make sure your source is a trusted one and can vouch for reliability of the person who will be fixing your vehicle.
Check the local service listings.
Specifically, we're talking about Craigslist, or similar local classified sources. Look under the services headline where it says 'automotive' and click the link. This will take you to a list of local repair sources. In many instances, they're just free ads for local mechanic shops, but on occasion you'll find someone who does mobile repairs or is looking to establish themselves in the area because they're new.
Be warned, however. Scams do sometimes happen. Make sure you check to see if they're licensed or registered with a reputable organization (such as the Bureau of Automotive Repair). Don't be afraid to ask for references such as previous clients and work they've done in the past. We completely understand if you're nervous about utilizing this option, so we suggest you have a friend or family member with you when the transaction takes place, especially if that friend or family member knows what to look for in a potential scam situation. Make sure you read the 'how to avoid scams' section of the service directory.
See if there is an automotive school in your town.
This is an unlikely option, but still a possibility. Check your local service directories or search online for a local automotive school, or call your local high school and ask of they have an auto shop program. It might be possible to get some free repair work done on your vehicle if the school can use it for education purposes. Again, it's a long shot, but it could save you a great deal of money. Explain your particular mechanical problem to them as best you can and then ask if they would be able to relocate your vehicle to their facility. As we like to say, there's no harm in asking.
Charitable Organizations Can Help with How to Pay for Car Repairs with No Money
There are public options for getting car repair assistance for low income families or individuals. Organizations like Modest Needs, Goodwill, Ways to Work or Angie's Angle List have programs that will offer assistance - either financial or in the form of a voucher - to qualifying people who meet the low income guidelines. Even if you don't qualify for the grant programs, some of these same organizations offer low-interest loans, especially in the case of more costly repairs.
Make sure you do an online search and do your homework to find the right assistance program for you. Other organizations include Vehicle for Change, Need Help Paying Bills, Working Cars for Working Families, and others. If you're online search isn't being helpful, check out Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
We hope this information has bee of some help to you in case you find yourself in need of car repairs. If you're in need of a Las Vegas title loan or Arizona title loan call or stop by and we'll find the the loan service that's right for you.

Heather Willis
Heather Willis is a seasoned personal finance writer dedicated to helping individuals take control of their finances in order to achieve their financial goals.
She has contributed topics on loans, money management, debt, investing, and retirement planning for CASH 1.
Her experience of more than eight years within financial industry has helped readers gain the most recent financial information and advice.
When she's not writing, Heather likes discovering new places and listening to punk music.